by Kylie Lambkin | Nov 7, 2023 | Uncategorized
To celebrate Grandparents Day the children in the Ocean Adventurers room went for a visit to Southern Cross Care, where they spent time with all the residents and presented them with a Grandparents Day placemat. In the afternoon we opened our doors to welcome our...
by Admin | Mar 29, 2022 | Uncategorized
The educators and children ventured out to the front car park to look at what was happening. The excitement as the children watched the bobcat dig and grind at the road. Educators spoke to the children about the different signs that were out for display being the stop...
by Admin | Nov 24, 2021 | Uncategorized
This morning an excited group of Tiny Turtle children left the service on an amazing adventure to the park. On their adventure they were taking the time to further explore their current interest in bugs. Educators provided a small checklist, bug catchers and nets to...
by Admin | Oct 27, 2021 | Uncategorized
Over the last few weeks sensory experiences have been providing the children with opportunity to develop a range of skills. Sensory play encourages learning through exploration, curiosity, problem solving and creativity. Providing the children with the...
by Admin | Mar 31, 2021 | featured, Uncategorized
We welcome our two new little guinea pig friends. Having animals within the centre will help the children show respect for the natural environment and encourage nurturing tendencies and responsibility. We have three chickens, two guinea pigs and Ocean the...
by Admin | Feb 25, 2021 | featured, Uncategorized
We have created a pre school program based off the six learning areas for Kindergarten as outlined by the Department of Education. Area 1: Creative ArtsArea 2: EnglishArea 3: MathematicsArea 4: Human Society and its environment (HSIE)Area 5: Science &...